From 6 to 12 years old
For complete beginners or children who wish to improve their technique, ESF Guzet offers group lessons depending on the level of children.
Your child will therefore make progress in a group of his or her level with an instructor who will adapt to the group’s needs. We teach in a friendly and fun atmosphere so that children can make quick progress !
Your child will therefore make progress in a group of his or her level with an instructor who will adapt to the group’s needs. We teach in a friendly and fun atmosphere so that children can make quick progress !

TimetablesSchool holidays | ||
Times | Christmas | February |
Morning | 10AM-12PM | 9AM-11AM 11AM-1PM |
Afternoon | 2PM-4PM | 1PM-3PM 3PM-5PM |
Off-peak periods: please contact us |
Prices for Group LessonsFrom Sunday to Friday | ||
MedaL included | ||
6-day weekly card | 147 € | |
One 2-hour lesson | 35 € | |
Please be sure your child has a ski lift pass |
TEAM étoiles
Après la 3° étoile, l'histoire continue ...le meilleur moyen de passer des vacances réussies en rencontrant d'autres jeunes de ton âge et en te perfectionnant pour encore plus d'éclate.
HorairesVacances scolaires | ||
Périodes: | Noël 18/12/2021 AU 02/01/2022 | Février 05/02/2022 AU 06/03/2022 |
Matin | 10H-12H | 9H-11H 11H-13H |
Après-midi | 14H-16H | 13H-15H 15H-17H |
Hors vacances scolaires : nous consulter |
Tarifs cours collectifsDu dimanche au vendredi | ||
6 cours enfants - Matin ou Après-midi du Dimanche au Vendredi | 153€ | |
5 cours enfants - Matin ou Après-midi du Lundi au Vendredi | 153€ | |
1 cours de 2 heures | 39€ | |
Pensez à munir votre enfant d'un forfait Remontées Mécaniques |
IMPORTANT: ESF reserves itself the right to group two lessons with less than 4 children.